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Wednesday, 5 December 2018

CP Miniatures 28mm Sumerian Spearmen

Just finished this very fine Sumerian spear unit. I have based in 2 per stand to allow more flexible use. Rather than usual Impetus style I have gone for 3 rows which I think looks very effective as a spear block when only using 12 men. Usual Army Painter wash. Other unit seen for comparison is from Newline Designs. The CP Miniatures. Really stand out. Chariot Rampant will be visiting Sumeria soon.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

CP Miniatures Sumerian King

Here is a rather imposing Sumerian King. Part of new 28mm range from CP Miniatures. These are also done in 15mm by Museum Miniatures.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

More of the battle Hebrew v Philistines

More shots of the defeat of the Philistines. A tough fought battle that ended in slaughter.
The battle opened with a dual between Goliath David. As in the biblical story Goliath on this occasion suffered a deadly sling shot between the eyes. Dice throws allowed the Philistines to pass all courage tests and continue the battle.
The Ark gave a +1 to courage like a general. Fighting on a small table and multi basing meant a lot of units were in range of King and the Ark giving +2 courage. However the Hebrews rolled high anyway. Probably the site of Goliath being killed by a boy was enough to convince the Hebrews divine intervention would win the day.
The chariots came in close and were shot up badly before they could do any harm to the Hebrews. The Hebrew forces were light spear ×2. Spearmen ×1. Ferocious warrior×1. Expert spear(King Saul). And 2 skimishers to represent the various Israelite tribes.

Hebrew skirmishes fire deadly volleys into the 2nd chariot squadron. Luck and support from another unit of light javelinmen slaughtered these conifdent  troops.

Hebrew v Philistine. Biblical Rampant Game

The Philistine chariots prepare to ride down some Hebrews. Underestimating their foe they retire from the field without striking a blow. The Hebrew light javelin tore through their ranks.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Hebrew Army for Biblical Rampant

I have put together this force for Biblical Rampant 24 points. Ark is not included in points. This is representing an army of king Saul(front right unit). Boy David is front right.